          回覆:神的預知 # 4104 [China Communist You 澎湖民宿 need to kill "潘美辰" or any female who dare hire any married man to work 售屋網for her.]You dare act like boss, you must not be allowed to have anything to do with cold cold hard; you 租辦公室 dare act like a boss, you must have to make sure you can be good enough like Communist chief or King care powerless helpless 賣房子 desperate weak sick wicked woman and her kids; you look down that weak sick wicked woman, you must do the duty to kill her to spare her kid out o 長灘島f her sick weak wicked eyes. You must have no right to abuse your sucking rich and famous to take away her husband free time to leave her alone after the Sun set. Y 買屋ou sucking cold cold hard shameless 潘美辰 cannot have the good will to care your own worker's wife, how could you care anyone else? You don't care anyone else, you dare be the boss, you 住商房屋must be killed IMMEDIATELY. I curse you sucking 潘美辰 die the most miserable way and be locked deepest darkest. You sucking shameless cold cold hard 潘美辰should wish you can be killed rather sooner than later 房屋二胎 or just go to commit suicide to match your sucking cold cold hard must needed "求.Ren.Boot.Rule.求.G".You sucking "陳子強" should just be your own wife's agent to rely on helping your wife to help yourself, like that sucki 21世紀房屋仲介ng "Hold.昌.Mean" showed instead of being slaved by that cold cold hard shameless "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" female dressed animal 潘美辰 .   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 結婚西裝  .

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